CAD/CAM Software
We have multiple seats of some of the latest and up to date CAD/CAM Software. This powerful software allows for full simultaneous 5-Axis Machining. These capabilities allow us to optimize toolpaths and reduce cutting times which will lower the costs for our customers.
Modeling and Designing Services
We have helped many of our customers go from idea to a CAD design to production. If you have a project that you need help with creating 3D Models or drawings, then contact us today!
File Formats
- DWG (AutoCad)
- DXF (Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format)
- IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification, ANSI File Format)
- PDF (Portable Document Format)
- Rhino (3dm)
- SolidWorks (SLDPRT )
- STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data)
- Stereolithography (STL)